Jonathan Frederick Walz, Ph.D

Every day, Dr. Walz gets to bring American art and people together in meaningful ways. He also has the privilege of advocating for diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion — sometimes at the same time! That’s the part of his job that he loves the most.
Title: Director of Curatorial Affairs & Curator of American Art
Year Hired: 2016
Previous Experience: Curator of American Art – Sheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska–Lincoln; Curator – Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College; Senior Graduate Student Curatorial Assistant – David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora, University of Maryland, College Park
Education: Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, dissertation topic: “Performing the New Face of Modernism: Anti-Mimetic Portraiture and the American Avant-Garde, 1912-1927; M.A., University of Maryland, College Park; B.A., Asbury College, French language and culture, studio art