Lacey Yeend

What Lacey likes most about working for the Museum is the opportunity to engage in lifelong learning – there’s always something new on the horizon at the Museum. She also loves sharing the joy of discovery and the thrill of curiosity with her family when they visit the Museum together. Art by Children is one of her favorite genres, and she is an avid collector, having the privilege of her own artist-in-residence. Getting to see how the exhibits come together is one of the coolest job perks ever!
Title: Assistant to the Director
Year Hired: 2021
Previous Experience: IT Support Specialist – Aflac; Enrollment Support Coordinator – Aflac; Intake and Resource Specialist – River Valley Area Agency on Aging; Administrative Assistant – Columbus Technical College Writing Support Lab; Writing Consultant- Columbus Technical College Writing Support Lab; Classroom teacher – Columbus Technical College; Assistant to the Director – Southwest Georgia Writing Project
Education: B.A. Georgia Southwestern State University, English and teacher certification
Phone: 706-748-2562 ext. 4320